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08-22-17  Twenty things that Kill your Relationship with Ukrainian Bride
Love is not something that is shown in a movie. It does not consist of only romantic dates and kisses under the moon. A happy relationship is a work based on mutual respect and patience. But harmony is easy to break.

Below there are 20 things that destroy relationships.

1. Attempts to change each other with your russian lady

2. Getting to know your parents

3. Mobile phone

4. Public reproaches

5. Quarrels

6. Silence

7. Forgiveness

8. Not the time, the wrong place

9. Finance

10. Turning a fly into an elephant
Nobody's perfect. Did he forget to throw out the garbage? Did she burn your shirt? Did He buy the wrong yogurt? Didn't she pay for the Internet? Believe me, it's all so stupid that it does not even need your attention. Do not inflate the elephant out of the fly. Instead, take a walk (at the same time throw the garbage). Laugh over the hole on your shirt, because it's time to buy a new one. Try the "wrong" yogurt, maybe this taste is even better? Light the candles and spend a romantic evening without the Internet ...

11. Espionage

12. Jealousy

13. Excessive calm

14. Comparisons
Forget about your ex. They are in the past. In the present there is a new love. And it's easy to destroy if you compare a partner with ex-passions.

15. Together 24 hours a day

16. Lies

17. Lie to yourself

18. Self-doubt

19. Objectives

20. Love as a reality
It is believed that they love not for something, they just love it. All right. But even this "medal" has a downside - love can not be accepted as a reality. Love is a gift of fate. Be grateful to the person who is next to you, for his feelings.

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