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02-28-17  What can not be done after a meal: Five unexpectedly bad habits of Russian Bride
The crazy rhythm of life makes us do many things automatically: breakfast, tea, shower. However, these things can be dangerous to our health. Warn your Russian women!
Experts made a list of 5 things that can not be done immediately after eating.

To take a shower bathroom
During water procedures, body temperature rises slightly and the body sends more blood to the skin than ever. This can disrupt digestion and slow the digestion of food. That’s why it's better to wait 30 minutes.

To drink tea
Since childhood, most of us has been accustomed to finishing the meal with a cup of fragrant tea. However, studies say that this harmless drink interferes with the absorption of iron, an important trace element. Iron is especially necessary for children, pregnant and elderly people.

The fact that sleeping after eating is a direct cause of excess weight is a long-debated myth. However, this does not mean that to sleep after dinner is a good idea. A full stomach in a dream can cause the appearance of heartburn, belching and increased acidity. To go to bed is necessary not earlier than in 2 hours after a meal.

Do sport
Physical exercises with a full stomach can cause nausea and hiccups, sometimes even cramps. Therefore, it is better to start full-fledged studies not earlier than two hours later, and before that make a walk at a calm pace.

Tobacco can block the absorption of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and vitamins C and D, so even the most nutritious food will have no effect if you smoke earlier than 20 minutes. Ideally, it is necessary to give up this habit permanently.

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