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10-22-15  Psychology of relationships for you and your russian bride: love has its own laws
You can never say for sure how much your Russian girl feels comfortable in the relationship. But you need to know the psychology of love.
Nothing is more ambiguous and incomprehensible than the psychology of love and relationships. The scientists have been working on the scientific explanation of this phenomenon for many years, developing methodologies, coming up with new terms, giving the characteristics of different emotional states. The psychology of love is one of the hottest topics in art, cinema and literature. But how much we may know the theory when the feelings capture us, we become self-centered, focusing on our sensations. Psychology of men in love differs greatly from the psychology of women. It’s good if the personal life is going well. But there are examples of relationships that can hardly be called happy at every step. And if men rarely turn to someone for advice in the psychology of love and relationships, the woman are looking for clues in a difficult situation. For example, a young girl is starting to build a relationship with a guy. Therefore, it will be useful advice on how to behave on a date, what to wear to a meeting with his parents, why not to show your emotions in some situations. A married woman must remember that the psychology of men in love is special, they need to have comfort, freedom in the relationship, their range of interests can not be restricted. It is important for a woman to be always loved and cherished by the partner. Of course, everyone will make his or her own mistakes, but maybe once to hear some advice of psychologists, some troubles will be avoided. The one who is older experiences difficulties to find his soul mate. The confidence or insecurity, high demands to the partner, set way of life - there can be many reasons. If unsettled personal life causes emotional distress, listen to the advice of experts.

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