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05-23-24  Managing Jealousy in Distance Relationships
When you communicate remotely on a dating site like, it is important to learn not to be jealous so that your relationship develops harmoniously.

First, trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. If you and your lady trust each other, then feelings of jealousy will be minimal.

Second, communicate openly and honestly. Discuss your expectations and boundaries to avoid misunderstandings.

Third, try to get to know each other better. Sharing interests and deep conversations will help strengthen your bond.

Fourth, don't compare your lady to others. Every person is unique and deserves respect.

Fifth, do not monitor her activity on the Internet, this will only increase your anxiety.

Sixth, spend more time together, even virtually. Calls and joint online activities will help you get closer.

Seventh, engage in self-improvement. Find hobbies or activities that will engage you and reduce your time for worry.

Eighth, remember your personal space. Everyone should have time for themselves and their own affairs.

Ninth, avoid negative thoughts. A positive attitude will help you stay calm.

Tenth, support each other. In difficult moments, it is important to feel supported and understood.

Eleventh, pay attention to the alarms. If your lady's behaviour is questionable, discuss it openly.

Twelfth, do not rush to conclusions. Give the relationship time to develop naturally.

Thirteenth, show gratitude and respect. This will strengthen your connection and reduce negative emotions.

Fourteenth, enjoy the dating process. Your efforts and trust will definitely bear fruit.

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