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09-29-21  How long do couples wait before getting married?
"How long have you been together? Why aren't you getting married?" "Household" questions that many couples who have lived together for years have learned to answer with caustic irony, "You forgot to be asked." And who decides what's early and what's late in terms of feelings and responsibilities anyway?

Still, analysts did a curious study with a good sampling of 4,000 couples to find out - how long were they together before they were formally married?
As it turns out, the average length of a love relationship before marriage averages 4 years and 9 months. Of those months, couples decide to live together for 17 months, it takes up to 22 months to announce their engagement, and another 20 months before the wedding itself is celebrated.
83% of those surveyed said they feel no pressure for a marriage commitment from their partner. For 91%, marriage is a way to declare their love, and only 2%, give in to this temptation for financial reasons.

Today, the average length of bachelorhood is eight years longer than it was in the 1970s: 30.8 years for women and 32.7 years for men. It is also noteworthy that every married person is statistically more likely to have had two serious relationships before they decide to get married.

So if you think dating a Russian woman or Ukrainian woman on is something particularly long, the numbers above indicate that the rapprochement between two people, no matter where they are, has lengthened. When you meet the one you've been chatting with for hours and written dozens of emails with, you'll already know each other very well and the rest of the process should be seen as an adventure, because the main thing is to meet your person. There are few random things in life, and most likely the fact that you are reading this article definitely matters!

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