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09-24-20  3 phrases that a Slavic woman says instead of "I love you"
A woman plays an important role in a man's life. She can be his inspiration, a muse, a friend or an advisor. His success, self-esteem and fulfilment depend on how much a Russian woman provides a man with a reliable rear. This means that a woman's word spoken to her man carries great strength and can both give strength and cut off the wings of a man behind his back. Let's talk about how a Russian woman can tell a man “I love you” in other ways.

1. I know that this is important to you, so I will support you in this
Men like to bring something extreme and eccentric into their lives: rafting down the river, building a house, karting, or something else. It happens that a man wants something, but the Slavic bride is totally against it. And the words “I see that this is important to you, and I respect your desires and want to support you in this” - speak of great love. Because a woman hasn’t any motivation except love to invest strength, money, time and energy resources in the business that the man started.

2. I will be there and support you, no matter what you decide
Such words are said by a woman to a man in a difficult moment of choice when it is important for a man to take risks, perhaps to take an important step in his career or business. The woman's task is not to convey: "If you are not promoted, I will get a divorce, and I know that you cannot be counted on," but to remember that her calm, supportive message will help her partner spread her wings behind her back and bring victory to the family precisely because that he has a strong rear.

3. I choose you
For this, a Russian woman does not need to say this phrase, she can show her love with deeds. This phrase is especially relevant after a man and a woman begin to live together, and a woman is faced with a choice: go to a cafe with her friends and spend time getting to know new people and the country in which she now lives, or stay at home and invest in creating cosiness and preparing dinner. It seems that this is a natural process and a woman "should" choose life, not fun. However, this is not the case, and at times she wants to spend time with herself. Every time a Russian woman chooses to give energy and settle a family nest, this is a conscious choice and a way to show love to her man.

At the same time, a Russian woman shows her love and says that she will accept a partner in any circumstances, no matter what he decides. Such words strengthen a man, and most often after a conversation with his beloved he goes and accomplishes a feat because he feels that she believes in him.

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