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03-20-20  Joint and separate sleep of spouses
Specialists in the healthcare industry have long ago found out that sleep is necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Daily short of several hours of night rest, people become more susceptible to various kinds of diseases. Besides, citizens suffering from insomnia tend to overeat.

Those people who are deprived of an adequate and restful sleep, the level of divorce is much higher, since people suffering from lack of sleep lack patience, they have higher level of aggressiveness. Poor sleep affects performance and relationships.
And what is the best way to sleep - together or separately?

According to one study, scientists advise spouses to sleep not only in twin beds, but also in different bedrooms. At the same time, experts emphasize that there is no good reason to sacrifice your sleep and rest for the social concept of shared sleep. Do not pay attention to the opinion that different beds are the main cause of family strife and divorce. This opinion has no scientific justification. Psychologists agree with this, noting that anxiety, snoring, and just the fact that partners are used to falling asleep at different times can lead the couple to think about divorce. No need to disturb your soulmate.

And there are other studies, according to which for a full sleep, contributing to the healing of the body, a person should feel calm and feel safe. This can be achieved by spending nights with a loved one. Scientists assure: people who can boast of the presence of a responsive and caring partner in their lives are much less likely to encounter a sense of fear and concern, and this, in turn, directly affects the improvement of sleep quality.

Of course, it's all up to you and your future soul mate to decide. And for starters, you can discuss this in letters on!

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