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02-06-20  The best kiss for your Slavic girl!
We are almost always sure that we are great kissers. The development of this skill usually occurs somewhen in high school, either by pure chance, or while first falling in love, or by serious conspiracy.

The main thing to understand here is that the skills are important, but not so much as the atmosphere and attention!

Here is one universal tip that you should always remember. Before a kiss, pull the girl to yourself, putting one hand on her neck, and the other on the waist, and then, during the sacred action, stroke her hair or pull it slightly.

Why is this simple tip almost a panacea for kisses? Neck and waist are very strong erogenous zones, and almost any touch on these parts of the body turns on. In turn, there is nothing more intimate than putting a hand on the neck or pulling the hair, because no one but a partner is allowed to do this. Starting a kiss in this way, you will excite the girl before your lips touch in fact . And when a person is hugged and pressed tightly to partner, he feels safer and, in addition to sexual desire, also experiences a surge of tenderness. As a result of this straightforward, but effective move, you will probably hear that you kiss perfectly.

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