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01-12-18  Three Fabulous Facts You Didn't Know About Love at First Sight
Have you ever fallen in love at first sight? Just one look at the picture of a Ukrainian lady on our dating site and you're in love.
Love at first sight is an indispensable attribute of all kinds of films and literary works, but few people know if this phenomenon really exists in real life. So let's check what the scientists think.

1. Scientists from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands conducted a series of experiments and concluded that usual sexual desire is the base of love at first sight and moreover, this desire is also amplified by self-suggestion. At the same time, men "fall in love" more often than women.

2. Scientists from Nottingham concluded that love at first sight is just a game of our imagination. And it happens because human memory tends to constantly rewrite past events.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that a person gets a new experience, that is, becomes "wiser". Therefore, when a person remembers the moment of acquaintance with his partner, he simply projects the current attitude towards him towards past events.

3. It is proven that a woman needs only 10-30 seconds to understand if she likes a man. The thing is, on the subconscious, a man and a woman evaluate a potential partner in terms of evolution: If sexual relations with this person will give a healthy offspring?

In this case, one of the main criteria for the attractiveness of women is symmetrical facial features, wide hips, and a thin waist. As for men, everything is traditionally here: high growth, muscular body, and manly features.

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