I am not some SUPER star. I am ordinary woman who wants to feel loved and cared. I work hard to make my life comfortable. I help my family always and it is very important so that my future husband gets friends with my close people. I am not looking for sponsor. I don’t need a man to pay for my cosmetics, jewels, furs or trips. I am self made woman and I need just a man who is able to surprise me. I need that one who is passionate and will not let me sleep all night long. Boring relations are not for me.
I work in business sphere but I was professional dancer and I won many dancing competitions)) I can teach you how to dance tango and you will feel all my passion in this dance)I love traveling a lot, I do it often. I love reading books. Adore to watching national geographic and discovery channel. I hope I will be able to prove you that I am not some typical dump blond) I can make a fire in your soul. I love sunbathing and hope this summer I will have a companion in this relaxing thing) Want to join me?
Ideal Type
Are you serious? Are you true?? Are you passionate and love hugs?? I hope You are not able to betray and you can live the whole life with only one woman??? Please, please, please- write to me. You are unique if its all true about you.
I am not looking for a super man. I need simple man who is able to take responsibility for his family and his woman.
I am tired of men playing games with my heart. I am not a doll. I will never accept relations as a one night love or only sexual relations. Sex means much in relations. But good basis for relations is not only passion. Its respect, mutual understanding, patience. I am devoted person. I am looking for a man who is not shy to kiss in public and show off his emotions. Is it all about you? Open your heart to be and contact me. Soon I want to have real date with a man who touches my heart