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10-19-13  An Amazing Autumn Proposition!
Dear Customers! We call your attention to an amazing autumn proposition at You have a chance to send a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums to your sweet lady.
The language of flowers is very interesting and many-sided.
Chrysanthemum means joy, happiness, open heart and loyalty. If you have tender, sincere and warm feelings to your Lady from, don’t lose a chance to send such a sunny bouquet to your beloved one.
Yellow chrysanthemum mean a gentle feeling, fragile tender love, trust and it's one of the most sincere flowers. Chrysanthemum is a sunny flower. A lot of interesting legends are dedicated to Chrysanthemums. It gives the mystery and beauty secrets to this amazing flower! It gives the magic and miracle-working power that makes it one of the most favorite flowers! Autumn Chrysanthemum is an autumn queen. It joins the warm gentle breath of summer and the cold of winter light.
Just click “Send flowers” button at the lady's profile page and you’ll receive a photo taken at the delivery moment within 5 days! It will cost just 20 Euro for 3 mums, 30 Euro for 5 mums and 35 Euro for 7 mums. You’ll get a win-win service and the day of your Sweet Lady will be full of bright and unforgettable emotions! Don’t be shy! Let Your Lady feel the sincere feelings that are in your heart! She is waiting for your attention and love!

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