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11-20-18  Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and your beloved ones!
Thanksgiving is a national holiday in the United States, celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. It will be celebrated on Nov’22 in 2018.

That is one of the most family-oriented holidays and it is connected with the people’s ability to be thankful in many ways (especially with the people around). Usually, that day is celebrated at home with family or friends eating a turkey dinner and showing the love and attitude to the beloved people.

Don’t forget to express your deepest feelings to your beloved one from Merry-Cherry in that glorious day. Show your emotions and love, we are sure it will help to become closer and special for each other.

Create a happy mood for each other this day using our flower and gift delivery service. Just click “Send flowers” button to make your special lady join your holiday spirit! You’ll be able to see photos taken at the delivery order. Her happy smile will be only Yours this feast day.

Dear friends! Wishing you the happiness of good friends, the joy of a happy family, and the wonder of the holiday season. Thanksgiving is more than the festivities, it gives us time ponder upon what lessons we have learnt and how we can spread happiness around, to look back at all the great memories and good people who came in our lives. Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and your beloved ones! Have a memorable Thanksgiving!

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